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Decaying Orbit and Radiation counting

uploaded: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 @ 9:42 AM
byWired Ant
Recommends (14)
This a tribute and a dedication to Fireproof_Babies and those people of his family and friends he left behind.

In the last weeks I listened to many of his mixes and samples. I believe that when he and me had met here we would have had a lot of fun!

I feel so close to his experimental work as I did a lot similar alone or with best mate ever Thomas who past away two years ago. So this a sentimental journey for me as well.

Sorry for cutting Fireproof_Babies in to pieces but the tags didn´t work it out as one!

"Decaying Orbit and Radiation counting"
by Wired Ant

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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