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A Driving Rain

uploaded: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 @ 10:04 AM
byThe Spark That Thought
Recommends (16)
I started working on this song almost one year ago when Gurdonark was doing his White Cube thing. I downloaded the sample pack and became completely infatuated with that “dance of light pixies” sample. It makes the most incredible sounds when you play with it a little…

Anyway, I built a track around the one sample. But there was a problem. The contest was looking for ambient, beatless music… and I had made a somewhat frenetic waltz. Faced with the prospect of starting over… I put it on the back burner and decided not to enter it.

Over the past year I’ve worked infrequently on it, adding a synth part here, another drum loop here… but not finishing it.

Yesterday I blew the dust off and decided that I actually like this, and that it might be nice if some other people heard it. So, here it is.

120 BPM, in 6/8 then 3/4 then 6/8 again.

"A Driving Rain"
by The Spark That Thought

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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