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uploaded: Mon, Dec 7, 2009 @ 11:08 PM last modified: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 @ 11:58 PM  (add)
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“Rain.mp3” is rainwater plunging about 12 feet from a rooftop to a puddle below.

“Rain_1.mp3,” “Rain_2.mp3,” and “Rain_4.mp3” are very brief excerpts from a longer recording of rain from the same session: each a fraction of a second, recording the plink of water falling on a metal object: probably the lid of a Weber grill.

“Rain_3.mp3” is a recording of rain on a mixed landscape of trees and smaller plants, a flagstone patio, the aforementioned Weber Grill, etc. It’s a substantial portion of the longer recording from which I excerpted “Rain_1.mp3,” “Rain_2.mp3,” and “Rain_4.mp3.”

I have grouped these files this way because they are thematically related and I recorded the two source files during the same session. What I mean is, if ccMixter provided folders or some other hierarchical structure, or something like Flickr’s “sets,” I would have used that; but maybe I’m not really grokking ccMixter the way I should. Would tags be enough? Let me know if this kind of grouping makes the recordings inaccessible or otherwise inconvenient to work with, and I’ll break them loose.
Play Rain

by Sprezza

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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