Home » People » Siobhan Dakay » "The Reuse of Noise (Angel Mix)"

The Reuse of Noise (Angel Mix)

uploaded: Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 3:50 AM
bySiobhan Dakay
FeaturingReusenoise, SackJo22
Recommends (29)
Mainly based on the Strings from
Winter Solstice (Hi/Low) and the Piano Line from “Fear and Hope”.
Drumloops from Inverno and Winter Solistice

Bass drone from Inverno, Bass sample snippet from Dirty Harry used to create a new bassline.

Solo built from sample of the low strings from Fear and hope.

For a bit more drama I tried SackJo “Angels Fly”

Only addition from me is an additional kick and the fingersnip.

"The Reuse of Noise (Angel Mix)"
by Siobhan Dakay

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Magical downtempo trip-hop spoken word featuring vocals by SackJo22 and samples by Reusenoise. Siobhan Dakay’s pristine mix is an emotionally mesmerizing odyssey…

Kara Square

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