Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Robert Warrington » "Salvo"


uploaded: Sat, Jul 30, 2022 @ 3:50 PM last modified: Sat, Jul 30, 2022 @ 3:51 PM  (add)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (10)
My third use of the trumpets in spinningmerkarba’s ‘Move Like This’. Plus more unreal dm.

Please don’t sit there like that
Don’t sit there in that chair with your hair like that
In the silences I don’t know what to do
The thing of it is my sense of balance is askew
While they were talking shop, I was checking out the backdrop
I tried to cover it up when my hand went through

Dreamed some maniacs were blowing up the Sphinx
When I woke up the nightmare was real
She wrote in Biro “I’m going back to Cairo”
Who am I to tell her what to feel?

Only please don’t give me frights like that
Please don’t creep into my sleepless nights like that
Don’t you know I’m lonely to the bone?
I’ve started mumbling to myself in a monotone
Soon I’ll be forgetting where I live, my mind will be a sieve
There won’t be anything worth having soon the way things are going.

Soon you’ll be told you can’t go out on your own
A chaperone will have to be found
Next thing you know they’ll be checking your phone
All you’ve known will be burned to the ground

But please don’t swerve like that
Please don’t pirouette on a nerve like that
You shimmer like a vision in the sand
A bolt out of the blue from the Red Land
I saw a flash as well from the engagement ring from hell
There’s more than one way to kill a one man band

Every thought that’s not controlled is rolled up tight
The pirate king is running the show
You grew up near where the Blue Nile meets the White
Where the fig trees and pomegranates grow

Why must you keep swaying like that?
Swaying while that music keeps playing like that?
Don’t you know the kind of shape I’m in?
I keep tripping on my cape and I’ve got combination skin
I went walkabout and knocked myself out
Is there a doctor in the house apart from Dr Spin?

Anything as beautiful as you they’ll smash
They’ll smash part of you for show and sell the rest of you for cash
Can’t you see the writing on the wall?
Their ambition knows no limits, they’re coming for us all
So here’s my little salvo against Year Zero
Mind how you go, the sky’s about to fall
Play Salvo

Contents of ZIP Archive: Salvo vocal

  • /Salvo vocal.mp3 (2.45MB)

by Robert Warrington

2022 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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