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Year Dot demo

uploaded: Fri, Jan 18, 2019 @ 12:26 PM last modified: Fri, Jan 18, 2019 @ 12:47 PM  (replace)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (7)
As the instrumentation is so basic I’ve uploaded this demo as a pell. In case anybody wants to use it, I’ve put the piano part in the accompanying file along with the dry vocal.

The year crept in like a reproachful cat
Feels like something’s on the mooch but I don’t know what
I live in my head a lot
In here it’s still Year Dot
A seabird sat on a chimney top
A crow cawed out of sight for eight minutes non-stop
All the leaves that have dropped have mulched into slop
In here it’s still Year Dot

The year I went from chump to champ
Icy rain gave way to a penetrating damp
The light comes on early on the nearby street lamp
In here it’s still Year Dot
Another crow struts up and down
Looking for titbits in the gutter,
he thinks he owns this part of town
Like he’s heard it said that he’s a bird of some renown
In here it’s still Year Dot

The others have gone but I’m still around
Like the last clot of snow still stuck to the ground
They say you can still cut through even from a late start
I’ll believe it when I see it but I’m so sick at heart
In the light’s last few inches
I made a sketch of the bare branches
Last night’s moon was a sliver of a sliver
I shiver and I shake and I shake and I shiver

The year staggered in like a drunken sot
Feels like something’s on the turn but I don’t know what
I live in my head a lot
In here it’s still Year Dot
The seabird fled with a flap and a hop
The cawing crow let rip behind the boarded-up shop
All the leaves that have dropped have blocked the drain up
In here it’s still Year Dot

Contents of ZIP Archive: zip

  • /Year Dot vocal.mp3 (2.52MB)
  • /Year Dot piano.mp3 (3.44MB)

"Year Dot demo"
by Robert Warrington

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Samples are used in: