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World Beaters

uploaded: Sun, Nov 16, 2014 @ 12:45 PM last modified: Sun, Nov 16, 2014 @ 12:46 PM  (add)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (8)
A song based on some strong foundations laid down by Wired Ant.

I wish you’d turn around
Instead of walking straight on
I’ll tell you for why
Because I might want to hold you
I might want to take your hand in my hand
I might want you to come to the office
And have a word with me
I might want to see you later
You make my heart pound
So you must be real
Please tell me you’re real
And please tell me you’re attainable
Because we live in a world
That’s cruel and absurd
Where grown men say girls can’t go to school
And shoot them in the head if they try to
There’s blood on the diamonds
Blood on the diamonds
And I’m embarrassed
To love you in a world like this
And I wish
I wish I could give you a better world
Where there are no victims of the crimes of others
Out there dying like flies
Dying for nothing
Dying in the bathroom
Dying on the mountain

But you and me darlin’
You and me darlin’
You and me darlin’
We’re better than this
We’re better than the world
You and me darlin’
You and me darlin’

That pool of sharks
They’re all bought and paid for
It’s just a game to them
It’s all about nothing but winning
It’s all about back room deals
It’s all about finding the loopholes
Changing the rules
To suit paymaster corporations
And the government allows it
Because the government is also bought and sold
Because the company’s bigger than the government
It’s like we’re heading for a world
Where government is irrelevant
But some things never change
They never seem to change
Violence is endless
Violence to women
Violence to children
Someone’s always lying
Someone’s always spying
Well I’ve got a TV
But I’m going to stop watching the news
I’m going to stop watching the news
I only start crying

But you and me darlin’
You and me darlin’
You and me darlin’
Let’s be better than this
Let’s be better than the world
You and me darlin’
You and me darlin’

Contents of ZIP Archive: zip

  • /World Beaters vocal.mp3 (3.83MB)

"World Beaters"
by Robert Warrington

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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