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Song Without a Home

uploaded: Sun, Dec 8, 2013 @ 3:36 PM last modified: Thu, Dec 19, 2013 @ 6:28 AM  (replace)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (7)
Written at library school way back when, the lyrics of Song Without a Home have finally found one in the musical Dodge City of ccMixter.

Trumpet courtesy of Mihai Sorohan.

Did Orpheus go red when his instrument said
Kid are you calling me a liar?
Or did he try to be aloof like the fiddler on the roof
With a bad case of fear and desire?
You know how you once thought you could be an astronaut
You thought you could be some sort of messiah
Let me give you some salve, some kind of safety valve
To halve your fear and desire

This burglar dropped in for his wages of sin
He hid the wages in the pages of Isaiah
Where should I bet this tuppence that he’ll get his comeuppance?
Stay clear of fear and desire
Well he spied an oil well and he bought himself a drill
He claimed the world and his wife would be the buyer
He said he’s in showbiz and he said the world is his
The world is made of fear and desire

Well he’s back from his trek looking sick as a wreck
The knights are causing havoc in the shire
And he’s played his last card in the graveyard
Of the church of fear and desire
Well I saw him casting runes wearing camp pantaloons
A swamp of damp was swallowing the choir
Then he picked a purple rose then he wrote some purple prose
In the throes of fear and desire

She came crashing through the wall on a death’s head wrecking ball
And all he did was handed her a flyer
He tried to shame her all he could but her timing was too good
For playing games of fear and desire
Her father is uncivil and her mother is in trouble
And her government is sly and getting slyer
Now she’s locked up in her dorm singing a song without a home
And a song of fear and desire

There was blood on the sand and blood running through my hand
There were blood drops falling on the pyre
There were rings of blood round Saturn but I’m finding my own pattern
In a storm of fear and desire
No ore’s been extracted but at least I was distracted
Don’t be a naysayer be a trier
I do free verse I do rhyme, it’s just a way to pass the time
These endless hours of fear and desire

"Song Without a Home"
by Robert Warrington

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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