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Strontium Capture

uploaded: Sat, Sep 14, 2013 @ 10:25 AM last modified: Sat, Sep 14, 2013 @ 10:28 AM  (add)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (13)
Apart from the comic book character, the main source for this is the riff in a brilliant instrumental throwaway called ‘wank 5’ found on the ReverbNation page of Smiling Cynic:

Other guitars have been fed in, including the much-used harmonics from Haskel’s ‘Resilience and Dignity’.

I’m a Strontium Dog, I chase my tail in a fog
I can tell by your hat that you’re one cool cat
I’m scanning alien skies with mutated eyes
I don’t need tea-leaves I can read brainwaves
But I don’t like these odds, I’ve got a hand of bad cards
They lie on the spot, they say they’re sorry when they’re not
Don’t let that video capture your thoughts

You need to pull out now
You need to pull out now
You need to pull out now
You need to pull out now

I can stop and start my own heart
So how come my mind got reassigned?
You flip up your hood to make your stealth wear good
The air’s full of drones, I hope you make it home
There’s been nowhere to go since twenty one 5-0
There’s nothing but scrap in the Birmingham Gap
And London’s burned down too

I need to pull out now
I need to pull out now
I need to pull out now
I need to pull out now

In and out of sight, in and out of the light
Like an urban fox making tracks
I could get into you if you’d just let me through
But the door is shut so that’s that
I’m a phantom limb, my momentum’s gone
All my hopes are dying but it’s not use crying
Over spilled strontium

We need to pull out now
We need to pull out now
We need to pull out now
We need to pull out now

"Strontium Capture"
by Robert Warrington

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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