Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Riobravo » "Don`t walk away"

Don`t walk away

uploaded: Sun, Feb 8, 2015 @ 12:59 PM last modified: Mon, Feb 9, 2015 @ 2:21 AM  (add)
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I used a little reverb to hide my voice but I`ve put a dry version up as well.
I`ve also posted a version with a different “don`t walk away” return.

You believe you belong.
Where the heartbeat is strong.
The hymns of the past never die.

Fire in the sky.
Smoke in the air
Blood on the wind.
Don`t you walk away now , don`t you walk away now.

In the deep winters chill.
Where the night air is still.
He stands where the snow lies soft and whit

Fire in the sky.
Smoke in the air
Blood on the wind.
Don`t you walk away now , don`t you walk away now

"Don`t walk away"
by Riobravo

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