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As Monkeys Do

uploaded: Sun, Aug 11, 2024 @ 3:25 AM
FeaturingJCoulton & Mr & Mrs Mous
Recommends (6)
17 years ago on the eve of my 54th birthday I uploaded my first mix to CCM. It was using the vocal “Code Monkey Source” by J Coulton. It was uploaded under the name “Radiotimes”. It got 5 recommendations and 6 reviews. Over the years I changed the name from Radiotimes to Shelflife and then to Radioontheshelf. Some have asked why did I change my user name. Was it for some deep symbolic meaning? The truth is far simpler. It was as a result of forgetting my password and not bothering to hunt it down decided to create a new persona.

For most of us we do not have the luxury of a great job and end up daily dragging ourselves to the grindstone of employment. J Coultons words create the image wonderfully and I have taken them and reinterpreted the melody as we singers are want to do.

Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Mous for the sax and added vocals

"As Monkeys Do"
by Radioontheshelf

2024 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
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