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The March Of Those Displaced

uploaded: Sat, Jun 1, 2024 @ 7:47 AM
FeaturingAnchor and Friends
Recommends (5)
Images of battered people walking to find sanctuary from the bombs and a people lost in disbelief fill our screens. Israeli leaders apologise for tactical errors that have killed and wounded tens of thousands even in places where the displaced people were told safety was assured. The population of Gaza keeps on the move praying they will find somewhere safe as they wait for peace to come. Western leaders still keep supporting Israels actions as the world looks on in disbelief but does nothing to stop the carnage taking place.

Thanks go to Anchor for his words and inspiration and to the assorted vocalists who gave of their precious time.

The Heavy March Of The Displaced

They said move left so we moved left
They said move right so we moved right
They said stop here so we stopped there
Another piece of land with broken bodies everywhere
Don’t know what to say or what to do
I’m just another lost soul trying to find my way through
Through to the other side where it’s safe to stay
Give me just a little hope and I’ll be on my way

Some say we’ll survive the pain
Images of children in the rubble again
And the elders talk but their words are small
One day we’ll find the pride and forget the fall
Will we be here when the fighting stops
Will all the hatred be forgot
And will the winning be worth the cost
Is there light ahead for those that are lost

"The March Of Those Displaced"
by Radioontheshelf

2024 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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