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The Maidens With The Braided Hair

uploaded: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 12:10 AM
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The Incas believed it was a serious crime to cut their hair. They believed that from their hair they obtained spiritual power and to cut it was punishable by death. To keep it under control both men and women would braid their hair and decorate it with beads and other decorations.

As they reached puberty some Inca girls who lived near to the Llullaillacao volcano would be selected to be offered up for sacrifice to their gods. The process would start a year before their death and would involve sedative substances such as coca leaves and alcohol being given in ever increasing amounts. At the appointed time the victims would be taken to the summit of the Volcano where they would be interned in a stone socophugus. Here they would be left until they finally succumbed to the bitter cold allowing their spirits to be freed to continue the journey to bring prosperity to their people. In 1999 at the summit of the Llullaillacao volcano the bodies of three young girls were found, one of which was in near perfect condition. It was estimated to be 500 years old. It was given the name of The Llullaillacao Maiden.

I have taken Apoxodes mix and used the first 6 minutes to create the journey of the Llullaillacao Maidens as they climbed up to the volcanos summit and the inevitable death that awaited them.

"The Maidens With The Braided Hair"
by Radioontheshelf

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