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New Directions

uploaded: Fri, Jul 14, 2023 @ 7:56 AM
FeaturingGurdonak, Mikhalt and The Boys and Girls
Recommends (9)
Poor Huw Edwards has become the latest fool to allow his judgement, common sense and moral values be ruled by his loins. I will not tell the story here of his downfall but for those interested Google is alive with it.

As I have grown older things that were once so important have ceased to be so. The need to chase after women and better jobs and money have been relegated to the back of the queue and I find contentment in more simple and less destructive pursuits.

I’ve put aside my dancing shoes I move a different way
I am closer to the bathroom than I was in younger days
And though beauty is still out there its something I don’t crave
I’m happy to be me
Oh yeh I am happy just to be me

And the lessons I had learned never stopped me in my tracks
When I started chasing daydreams never looking back
I was full of youth and vigour always on the attack
I was the boy who thought the world was my oyster
I thought the world was my oyster

But the oysters they were empty none of them had pearls
The promises were broken by the silence of the girls
And the words they offered hollow but it was all that I deserved
I was a crippled tortured fool
A crippled tortured fool

"New Directions"
by Radioontheshelf

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