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Love From The Tracks

uploaded: Sun, Sep 4, 2022 @ 5:17 AM
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I made the mistake in 1969 of asking my father if I could go to the Isle of Wight music festival. I was 15 and he said no. The following year I did not ask him. I just left a note saying where I had gone!

I had really wanted to see Bob Dylan in 1969 but at least 1970 let me share the great experience of watching the likes of Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Who and many more great acts

If I had to choose one artist from the roll call of the greats I have had the privilege of listening too and growing up with it would have to be Bob Dylan. My first love adored him and for a little while she felt the same about me, until an Italian waiter working in a local hotel took her love for me way below zero.

Many thanks to Silkwords for her words and beautiful delivery

Love from the tracks

She sits beneath the day that will forget her
Her broken promises still in her hair
She’s trying to protect the ones who love her
Still Know her
Her memories are sitting on the chair

She’s got Dylan on the radio beside her
And Leonards in a book that she’s read twice
They help her in the moments of her maddness
Her badness
They teach her what is wrong and what is right

The blood thats on the tracks is not poor Suzannes
Nor is it that of those who dared to stay
Its from the body of a man who tried to understand
But for Hurricane his hopes got in the way

The masterpiece was written on a cold day
In a house where Hollis Brown lived out his days
And as the times were changing slowly rearranging
The immigrants still came to make their way

John Wesley was reported for his killings
Likewise Billy the Kid would stain his days
With the blood of men who held different views and ancient spells
They believed they were devine thats why they slayed

In the back the tambourine is out and playing
Some say that its just blowin in the wind
Its a sad and lonely sound jingle jangling to the ground
Tangled up in blue as the hard rain starts again

She wants him to perform an act of kindness
She needs him to believe she wants his trust
She says she’ll give him hope for the blindness that’s encroached
Just like a woman she will offer up her love

There’s a simple twist of fate that holds the answer
From the north country it came to show the way
She blamed him for his doubt and indecision
He replied to her and said it ain’t me babe

"Love From The Tracks"
by Radioontheshelf

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