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The Virtues Of Waiting

uploaded: Thu, Jun 23, 2022 @ 8:10 AM
FeaturingSnowflake & Three Dinner Ladies
Recommends (3)
School Dinners with the third form

We had waited for what seemed ages for the canteen to open. Geoff anticipating a delay had come prepared with a doughnut which he steadfastly refused to share. Arthur said that it was very mean spirited of him and moved away to hide his hurt. Eventually Mrs Staples raised the shutter and we all strained to see what was on offer. Being a Wednesday it was beef stew or cheese and onion pie. As always I went for the pie as it came with chips. One day I did try the stew but it was not an experience to be repeated.

This offering is a pot pouri of major and minor scales chasing each other around 80bpm. Emily gets knocked about a bit as the Melodyne elf does his worst and occasionally she reaches out for a quick sniff of the helium gas before returning to a more controled pitch and clef.

"The Virtues Of Waiting"
by Radioontheshelf

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