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One Day I'll Buy You A New Dress

uploaded: Wed, Mar 16, 2022 @ 11:10 AM
FeaturingAirtone & Javolenus
Recommends (7)
During a recent interview with a husband and wife who had escaped Ukraine and managed to get to Poland the wife explained to the reporter how they had had to leave their homes and belongings as the shells reigned down on them. All they had between them was a small bag with a few clothes they had hurredly packed. As she broke down in tears her husband held her and promised that one day he would buy her a new dress.

Many thanks to Airtone and Javolenus for such a wonderful bed to lie on.
Just added some fiddle and bodhran

One day I’ll buy you a new dress

One day when this war is over one day when the soldiers have gone
I’ll take you with me to the old town to the world where we always belonged
And I’ll look for the place I first met you the place where our love stood the test
And we’ll try to bring back all our memories and one day I’ll buy you a new dress

When the darkness is always upon us and no light ahead can be seen
We will still have our memories of good times we can always find them in our dreams
And no foreign invader can crush us no bombs remove all we have blessed
I will take you with me to the land of the free and one day I’ll buy you a new dress

And despite those we’ve lost we must forge on and try to live life once again
Let the phoenix arise from the last flames but never forget all our friends
We will not be the same that’s for certain the scars will still show all our stress
But one day we will laugh and be happy and one day I’ll buy you a new dress

"One Day I'll Buy You A New Dress"
by Radioontheshelf

2022 - Licensed under
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