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Cecilia Sings For Martyrs

uploaded: Sun, Mar 28, 2021 @ 2:53 AM
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St Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Musicians and is one of many elevated to sainthood as martyred souls from unforgiving times. We could do with a few more saints after the last 12 months.

Once again grateful thanks to Javolenus for the wonderful guitar

She scares me when she talks of evolution
And the differences that only go to prove
That people are the strangest living creatures
We are desperate we are confused

And her hands have wiped the tears from eager faces
With noses pressed unflinching to stained glass
She is waiting for a moment of prevention
To remove the thoughts that have already passed

And her gods are hatching plans to deal with boredom
They are ready to receive a welcome hand
Someone stole their place inside the ancient history
They predicted that this day would form their plans

All the martyrs join their hands in celebration
The reward of sainthood smooths the path ahead
But the girls and boys who offer up their bodies
Have for many years been classified as dead

And Cecilia sits amongst the proud and noble
With her memories and her cold virginity
But the sword that struck her neck was unforgiving
It took more than words to bring serenity

"Cecilia Sings For Martyrs"
by Radioontheshelf

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