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The Mufti Men (Civies mix)

uploaded: Sun, Sep 20, 2020 @ 6:46 AM last modified: Sun, Sep 20, 2020 @ 6:54 AM  (replace)
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The fear of rejection from another human being is something that we all carry with us. We build defences against the ones we love the most and arm ourselves should the day arrive when we are pushed out into the cold. Often we are unaware of what we are creating but it is there waiting to be used should the moment arrive. Our very creation to protect ourselves can often lead to our downfall.

Once again I have Panu to thank for his soulful and inspiring guitar.
This is one take plus reverb. I managed to keep up with the chord changes most of the time!!

Pella attached for the more adventurous among us!

If I could I’d love you
But I’m not sure I’m up for that
I like to keep it simple
Keep it under my hat

And anyway you might be frightened
By an outpouring from my heart
Sometimes it helps to finish
Before you make a start

For gods are demons with fancy clothes
They wait to trip you up
I find it better to be silent
Than to show you my true love

And maybe thats a risky move
To keep it all unsaid
But better to be cautious
Than face embarrassment

So give me space I will manipulate
The edges of our hopes
I will provide some human pride
You’ll never get me on the ropes

And it’s a dangerous game I play
Too many twists and turns
But better now to walk away
Than have this old heart burned

"The Mufti Men (Civies mix)"
by Radioontheshelf

2020 - Licensed under
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Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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