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Tiptoeing Through The Stardust

uploaded: Fri, Aug 28, 2020 @ 10:54 AM
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Michael Flatley had amazing feet but his first claim to fame was as a gifted flute player. He performed as a dancer with the great Irish band the Chieftans and had hopes to join them full time on the flute. Unfortunately Paddy Moloney the Chieftans founder and leader had other ideas. As fate would have it this was a blessing in disguise as Flatley went on to make his fortune as a dancer.

Bernard William Jewry first came to notice in the music field in the 60’s as Shane Fenton who would later during the 70’s and 80’s go on to become famous as Alvin Stardust.

I cannot dance like Flatley but I’ve given this homage to the man with the golden feet in the style of Mr Stardust!!

Perfecting the passion
Invoking some traction
Its easier when you are out on the floor
Inspiring impressive
Slightly suggestive
The crowd is shouting out they want much more

Give them more give them more

From roots in Chicago
Sligo and Carlow
In search of a destiny to shock the whole world
A flautist a boxer
And thoroughly cocksure
A mover a shaker a man full of twirls

Give them more

Almost a Chieftan
But thoroughly beaten
He wanted a place in their hall of fame
But Paddy Moloney
Was cold and stony
And despite all the dancing the job never came

But fate is a chancer
And this magic dancer
Took it by the the throat and made it breathe fire
From Riverdance to the Lord Of Dance
The boy would get a stone to dance
He conjured up great beauty taking tap dance so much higher

"Tiptoeing Through The Stardust"
by Radioontheshelf

2020 - Licensed under
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