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Saturdays With Julia

uploaded: Wed, Mar 11, 2020 @ 1:30 PM
Recommends (5)
Love on the rocks

Poor man lying in the gutter
Looks just like he’s putting up the shutters
But give a little comfort give a little hope
And he’ll be back on his feet he’ll be off the ropes

He had an old dog and an older wife
Kids somewhere who’d sought a better life
A mission accomplished black t shirt
And a busted hip that was too bad to hurt

When they make the film he’s already got the star
Robert De Niro perfect for the part
And Helen Bonham Carter can play the whore
She’d be pretty and perfect and she’s done it before

Storyville like a John Cheever plot
Waiting for the moment when he can get off
Back to the highlands and the pretty front door
Can’t promise much never promised before

So pick up the pencil draw another scene
Always suggestive of what might have been
Dust off the memories remember the time
When you cut a fine figure as you walked the line

"Saturdays With Julia"
by Radioontheshelf

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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