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Loves Cliches

uploaded: Wed, Jun 12, 2019 @ 1:45 PM
FeaturingSascha Ende
Recommends (2)
I met a man who said he had never been in love. But of course he lied.

Bought a ticket to your promise caught a greyhound to your home
Picked flowers from a florist who wrote a card the words intoned
That I love you and I need you want to hold you for all time
Build all my world around you you always will be mine

Now you may think that its corny to put down with ink and pen
The thoughts I have about you which I pray will never end

But I am merely human and its all that I can do
Thousands came before me but these words they still ring true
You’re a step away from laughter I’m a step away from tears
Just need your confirmation that my message is now clear

I don’t care about tomorrow I just need to live today
In the sunshine of your warm love that will guide me on my way
Towards moments of perfection and nights of blatant bliss
Past the advice of the centuries to just another kiss

You will talk of love and danger without a second thought
As you point towards tomorrow where your gift will run its course
And you’ll find me at the tail end of a day thats bent in pain
Your the rider for the future on a horse that bears the stain
The Mixversation
  • panu +

"Loves Cliches"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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