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By The Time I Reached Matilda

uploaded: Sat, Jun 1, 2019 @ 12:49 AM
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Matilda would always resume her dancing after I had left the room

Thanks to Stefan for once again providing a wonderful bed to lie on

I bought a jews harp in soho
From a man who had pure catholic eyes
And by the time I reached Matilda
I had learnt to play the theme from Harrys life

And You welcomed me to heartache
With a measurement of good and of hope

You knew about my hesitations
So later you could break me in a stroke
With a hand that had been blessed by a wise man
Who left as a fool in torn and ragged clothes

And you went to church on sundays
Dressed in yellow ribbons for your loss

So it was they gave you the collection
Didn’t mind when you even took the plate
And stuffed it down the front close to your cleavage
And the lepers at the door were shamed by hate

When the train leaves here to make way for your journey
There’ll be passengers who now get left behind
All they can do is watch you from a distance
And whisper how their lives are in decline

And I will kiss the hem of your dress
As you pass me in my wettest dream

The bible thumper is now a rapper
Making millions from the words of other men
Claiming innocence and agreed actions
By the women he had dragged back to his den
And the memory of some is made from distrust
The feelings of an innocence betrayed
I wanted you to iron, bake and garden
But all you wanted was to never age

"By The Time I Reached Matilda"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
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