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The Man Who Built The Temple

uploaded: Sun, Apr 28, 2019 @ 6:26 AM
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They met. She left on Friday. Came back Thursday. Left again on Sunday. Never saw her again.

In the shifting of the stones and the cutting down of trees
Are the makings of a myth that some people will believe
Its the running off the page down the lanes to hidden truths
Where the girl from Carpinteria said she would wait for you

But these were only words and she quickly took them back
When discovering you were penniless and living off the tracks
And the only consolation was that you were free again
To walk the road to happiness to find another friend

So this is how it goes when your starting up the dream
That will lead you to the question of what often comes between
The persona of a captain when inside your buttons fade
And now theres only dust and rags to help you misbehave

Its the greatest risk imagined and much more than you can bear
To be hunting in the barrooms for a love beyond compare
And with options to be humble and a twinkle in your eye
You will snare the fairest maidens and throw caution to the tide

And with the choicest of all banters you will twist her with your tongue
And lead her to the corner where your webs work will be done
So you’ll cover her in practise with a blanket made of thorns
Where her eagerness to please you will once more be reborn

I am secret in my temple I am secret in my place
You are filled with mixed emotions on which road you now should take
Its an age old proposition that I tempt you to unvail
And drink from the poisoned chalice that puts wind into my sails

Stand back survey the work you’ve done and all the beauty stained
By your eagerness to hit the road and walk on to reclaim
All the higher ground you craved for all the sweetest of all lies
Soon your body will be pure again to swim against the tide

"The Man Who Built The Temple"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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