The Middle Ground
uploaded: Wed, Feb 6, 2019 @ 12:54 PM
For me Ccmixter provides a wonderful cathartic experience, allowing me to express feelings and emotions that I have been through over the years of a full life. With this song the Admirals tender piano forms the bed on which I lay the regrets I have that I never spoke more with my father. He tried more than I but I was from a generation that believed it was the one that had all the answers. The late 60’s and early seventies changed the world but in doing so created more questions but I feel honoured that I lived through the music and art of those heady days in old London town
I had no notion I would cause such a commotion By living up to others lives And you were full of heartache that I ignored your way Something got inbetween us something died The middle ground was missing we were never listening Our voices were the only truth we knew There would be no reconciling for the old man and the blind child We’d go our seperate ways with seperate blues How did it ever get to this place How did it begin how did it start We were always heading straight Walking to the precipice Always moving from the light into the dark Once you took me to a forest where you said you would be honest And you’d tell me of the time when you were young But the tears started falling as you spoke about your childhood I only saw your weakness and that was my shame You had fought for king and country long before I started my fight To be recognised as someone you could love But you wanted me to listen all I did was state my values They were different they were shallow I was young Crazy people stubborn travellers Masked and dirty holding court Feelings distant words unspoken Broken dreams broken hearts How did it ever get to this place etc
media, remix, attribution, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, passion, male_vocals, indulging_unashamedley
The Middle Ground
The Mixversation
"The Middle Ground"
by Radioontheshelf 2019 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |