Imagination Rising Remix Event
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When did the silence

uploaded: Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 11:49 PM last modified: Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 11:51 PM  (add)
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Listening to SackJo’s excellent vocals I wanted to write a tune to fit. The bass line is built from the rhythm of the words “Where did the silence start to grow”. To reflect the theme, the electric piano melody is written with silences where there should be chords. In contrast to the lyrics I wrote the rhythm patch to have vocal characteristics and talk over the vocals, as my interpretation was of a couple who stopped listening to what each other was saying.
The drums are given a spectral effect that chops up the rhythm and throws it back into the mix as a new beat.

Structure is A-B-A.
Keys are: A major, D major, A major

Drums - Ableton, Drum Machines, Kit-606 Gnarly Crunch
Bass - u-he, Diva, Black Fuzz (modified)
Rhythm - RhythmicRobot, Uproar Distortion synth (QS patch)
Electric Piano - AAS, Lounge Lizard (QS patch)
Choir - Air Music Technology, Xpand!2, 20 Smooth High Pass

Reverb - Acon Digital, CM Verb
Drums - Amazing Noises, SpectrumRunner
Bass Clipping and fattening - Airwindows, Density
Buss - Airwindows, BussColours
Vocal Sheen - Airwindows, Hombre
Compressor - Airwindows, Logical4

"When did the silence"
by Quarkstar

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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