Added bass to Zep Hurme’s remix of Snowflake’s Lost.
media, remix, sample, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, flac, mono, VBR, zep_hurme, snowflake, female_vocals, funky, funk, jazz, jazzy, soul, neo_soul, fushion, uptempo, guitar, drums, bass, brass, synthesizer, saxophone, music_for_video, music_for_film
Recommended by:
texasradiofish, timberman (Per), Bluemillenium, Speck, Mana Junkie, Snowflake, Stefan Kartenberg (JeffSpeed68), Siobhan Dakay (SiobhanD), Hans Atom (hansatom), unreal_dm, @nop (Lancefield), Soundist, Apoxode