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Wende dein Gesicht der Sonne zu [Save the World Mix]

uploaded: Sun, Apr 14, 2019 @ 3:03 AM
byMr. Pepino
Featuringmusicbrain,Stefan Kartenberg,Silkwords
Recommends (5)
A remix of the german song “Wende dein Gesicht der Sonne zu” by musicbrain
- a really nice african proverb:

“Turn your face towards the sun and shadows will fall behind you.”

I combined it with parts of the great poem “The Next Generation will Save the World” by Silkwords
and the guitar from “0815” by Stefan Kartenberg.

"Wende dein Gesicht der Sonne zu [Save the World Mix]"
by Mr. Pepino

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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