Home » People » Joel Frijters » "Greyscale"


uploaded: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 @ 12:11 PM
byJoel Frijters
Recommends (12)

“ignorance is blesséd by your lonliness”

Black is the colour of the blood that was spilt
On the red earth of man’s permanent suicide
From cape to horn to capricorn in the winter warmth of young mens eyes
Lies, the deepest anger, the deepest dispair
Of death in rebuttle, in repair
Black runs the blood

In white justice, jurisprudence sound ne’er found
We lye in wait, we lie to wait
Post-humously covering our guilty conceit
Our own defeat of compassion
White fountains of blessing for our crowns
And frowns to the sphere of theirs
White is the justice

Grey is the final matter
Blood spurted and spattered
Buried deep inside the shallows of the meek
To hell with the bleak, let loose the hounds
Allow them to reek havoc
Grey is the final matter

by Joel Frijters

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