Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Kraftamt » "Hope"


uploaded: Wed, Jan 13, 2021 @ 2:19 AM
FeaturingJavolenus, libraryowl, diaphane, Leza Boyland, ColeMorrall. Doxent Zsigmond
Recommends (25)
A few weeks ago I experimented something. I loaded samples into a software sampler and cut out some fragments. These would then be processed with an effect that works with granular synthesis. There was also a wonderful Ebow sample from Javolenus.

My dear friends, these are strange times. Hope and wait is omnipresent right now. Also, there is a lot of fear and frustration right now. That turns into violence. We also have to do something ourselves in order not to lose hope.
Play Hope

by Kraftamt

2021 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Kraftamt is asking everyone to take a moment to reflect on themselves with this remix. This atmospheric and epic remix will help you look into your very mind and soul with a momentary pause and meditation. With all that is going on, we can certainly use it.
