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A Capella Lignified

uploaded: Thu, May 29, 2008 @ 11:31 AM
byKaer Trouz
Recommends (6)
Well, old Neurowaxx has done it again. He just keeps laying down these beautiful landscapes, then has me up until 4 am, creating songs in a genre I want to call suicide country

the sun is angry
in the rearview
pulsing ball of
fiery temper
well go drinking
shots of so co
Ill grow sullen
you unhappy
I want to know you
but you recoil
your heart is wooden
shriveled and lignified
heres the driveway
you drop me off
I see our babies
crying in the windowsill
you say you love them
but that’s not caring
Ill see you later
just remember
I am aware of
your betrayal
I dont believe in
magic or jesus
I just want you to love me
love me like when we were young

"A Capella Lignified"
by Kaer Trouz

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Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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