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silence in the air vocals and stems

uploaded: Thu, Mar 17, 2016 @ 5:35 AM last modified: Thu, Mar 17, 2016 @ 6:27 AM  (add)
byStefan Kartenberg
Recommends (3)
silence in the air

i walk along the endless beach
wave sounds in my ears
i see the sun on her way to the other side of earth

my mind is turning around and around and…….

one thought in a million ways
time´s stand still for quite sweet moment
and silence is in the air

But the future moves closer, and change waits for no man.
Listen. You can hear it. Change is just ahead.

I can´t break the silence
it´s still in the air
but the future moves closer
and soon you will be there

you walk along the endless streets
no way to reach your mind
still on your trip on the ladder of sucsess
still on a default line

so Bend your ear into the silence
and sense the wind that comes before
The slight stirring sounds of magic
that silence can not make still.

It’s the silence that comes before change.

It’s the silence at the interface
between the past and the future
the thinking before i speak

Contents of ZIP Archive: vox 1

  • /vox chorus.wav (4.86MB)
  • /vox fills daba.wav (7.40MB)
  • /vox fills deep 2.wav (12.37MB)
  • /vox chorus deep.wav (3.79MB)
  • /vox chorus high.wav (4.37MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: vox 2

  • /vox high.wav (12.33MB)
  • /vox main verse 2.wav (12.45MB)
  • /vox main verse.wav (12.63MB)
  • /vox fills deep.wav (12.45MB)
  • /vox fills hight.wav (4.93MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: a guit

  • /a guit rythem.wav (4.56MB)
  • /a guit solo.wav (1.33MB)
  • /a guit long solo.wav (2.34MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: e guit and bass

  • /e guit 3.wav (5.12MB)
  • /e guit 4.wav (13.96MB)
  • /e guit 5.wav (4.14MB)
  • /e guit muted.wav (2.19MB)
  • /bass.wav (5.65MB)
  • /e guit 1.wav (5.23MB)
  • /e guit 2.wav (5.22MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: sound fx

  • /Noise_V3.WAV (1.21MB)
  • /Amb_FX_V2.WAV (1.21MB)
  • /AMBI07.WAV (3.23MB)

"silence in the air vocals and stems"
by Stefan Kartenberg

2016 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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