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April Is In My Mistress' Face

uploaded: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 @ 6:19 AM last modified: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 @ 6:23 AM  (add)
FeaturingThomas Morley
Recommends (4)
Thought I’d update this Renaissance madgrigal by Thomas Morley (c. 1600) by adding some of my own lyrics and giving it a punky/fuzztone treatment. Will add stems. Lyrics:

[“April Is In My Mistress’ Face”, madrigal by Thomas Morley, d. 1602]

April is in my Mistress’ face
And in her eye July hath place
Within her bosom is September
But in her heart a cold December
April is in my Mistress’ face
April is in my Mistress’ face …
bobbed hair a la louise brooks
nose stuck in some brainy books
winks and gives me funny looks
thinks it’s cool to cock a snook
And in her eye July hath place
And in her eye July hath place …
yawns at all my priceless jokes
pulls off some amazing strokes
love for her is one big hoax
babbles on bout other blokes
Within her bosom is September
Within her bosom is September …
sports a three-piece whistle & flute
struts like a gangsta minus the loot
jumps without a parachute
one day she’ll give me the boot
But in her heart a cold December
But in her heart a cold December …
she don’t care for steely dan
listens to von karajan
thinks that I’m not much of a man
she prefers italians
April is in my Mistress’ face
And in her eye July hath place
Within her bosom is September
But in her heart a cold December

"April Is In My Mistress' Face"
by Javolenus

2012 - Licensed under
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