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Prelude - Way beyond the Blue (CCM Interactive Musical Stageshow -"Blue lips, Loose Hips"

uploaded: Sun, Jan 25, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
FeaturingJim Nickel & Scomber
Recommends (6)
This scene forms the prelude and welcome for our latest collaborative production/stageshow extravaganza “Blue Lips, Loose Hips,” now playing at your local virtual CCM theater.
A full description of this bad ass production vehicle lurking the virtual airways can be found in our profile.

The full production (at this point of time); the “radio play” playlist is here

For those audio challenged (or much too pissed from the complimentary pre-dinner drinks at the bar) to get it - here’s the script for this scene;
(the entire script can be found here)

(generous applause, roses and money thrown)

Good evening and thanks for coming folks!

Please feel free to take off your shoes but keep those smelly socks on please as a form of respect for the person sitting next to you.

Scomber Productions encourage all of you to come out towards the stage to dance and strip down to your underwear.
(especially you sweatheart ;-0)

My name’s Scomber, and, I’ll be your host for tonight…
All cash donations can be placed into the box in the lobby to your left as you exit the theater…
I’d like to thank all the hard working producers of this play and the incredibly underpaid musos sweating it out in the orchestra pit -
especially that geeky guy with the glasses on the cymbals ——!——

(thanks Eugene)

Sit back and enjoy our new production;
“Blue Lips, Loose Hips.” ….

Take it away Jim…..

Oh do Lord. Oh do lord, Oh do you remember me?
Do Lord, oh do lord, oh do you remember me?
Do Lord. Oh do lord, Oh do you remember me?
Way beyond the blue?
(Way beyond the blue?)

Oh I’ve got a home in your land that outshines the sun!
Oh do you remember me?

Way beyond the blue.
oh do you remember me?

Instrumental Solo - Scomber on the Jazz guitar

Oh do lord, Oh do you remember me?
Way beyond the blue?
(Way beyond the blue?)

(Cute ending)

Track Credits
Music, arrangement, prelude and script : Scomber
Lyrics and vocals : Jim Nickel
The crowdscape and mic feedback are from Freesound (32491,42931 & 44748) can’t locate them in the browser!@?

"Prelude - Way beyond the Blue (CCM Interactive Musical Stageshow -"Blue lips, Loose Hips""
by InteractiveStageshow

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.