Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Coffee De(cc)af

uploaded: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 @ 6:29 AM
FeaturingForensic, Konflik
Recommends (3)
From the full-length project, ccMixStars (Fried Stakes v 2.1) — check out more of my music on http://histakesmusic.blogsp...

Thanks to 4nsic and Konflik (via Fonic) for these bangin pells.


[Rights/Samples Note: This is a cleaned up version of a copyright questionable mix (see my blog for the original). I’ve removed short audio clips from the film Coffy and a horn break to keep ccMixter legally safe. I worked hard to make the horns here sound like a continuous section, but they’re not. They are very, very short samples of various horn hits that I’ve altered by changing the tones and rhythm. It fits current fair use laws (see also Lessig).]

"Coffee De(cc)af"
by Hi_Stakes

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.