Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Sick As A Dog (G-Harp Remix)

uploaded: Sat, Jan 5, 2008 @ 9:01 PM
byG-Harp The Producer
FeaturingBrad Sucks
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The creative output of one man, a computer and a pair of bongos…

I borrowed the guitar from the original, but wanted to give the song a little more of a bounce… almost more of a dance floor accessability to it without losing the songs original meaning. (I think the dog barking effects are a nice touch on the chorus)
So, please leave a review of the song, I’d appreciate it.

3 quick things:
1) Listen to the whole song before passing judgement.
2) It grows on you, so give it a second chance.
3) Don’t listen to it more than twice… because it starts to sound boring.

"Sick As A Dog (G-Harp Remix)"
by G-Harp The Producer

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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