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Close your eyes silly human

uploaded: Tue, Nov 20, 2007 @ 7:03 PM
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Added vocals, extra drums, guitar and treatments. Very difficult song for me to make; as the lyrics were written in a phychiatric hospital, years ago at the lowest point of my life. I was held against my will, with many broken bones, and constant supervision. It didn’t stop my writing though; and this is
a fantasy I had at the time of escaping and making some animal friends outside. It was late Fall/early winter and the grounds were very beautiful; with a pond and many trees etc. For my own good
I was not let outside or allowed such dangerous things as Chap-stick. I was, however, allowed
to write; and hence, at long last we have this song.

"Close your eyes silly human"
by Fireproof_Babies

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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