Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » coruscate » "Romantic Apathy"

Romantic Apathy

uploaded: Sun, Sep 29, 2024 @ 7:25 PM last modified: Sun, Sep 29, 2024 @ 7:30 PM  (add)
FeaturingKara Square
Recommends (4)
Human effort.

Important, Kara Square’s voice is included in the main file so if you include that in your remix you need to credit her and reference her song in the credits.

Both I and Kara square are “properly” set up on streaming so if you uploading to streaming services, properly feature “Kara Square” and “The Incomplete Orchestra” in your credits to benefit from both our audiences being notified of new music

This song was originally a feature song with SZA, but apparently the company selling the licensed acapellas was a scam, whoops. Kara was a minor part of the bridge, so I bumped her up a bit to finish the song. In the uploaded version of the song which will debut on streaming “I don’t care” is said by rapper Too $hort, not me.

I do have an AI bridge coming, but I’ll post it separately due to the new rules coming down separating AI stems.


Love is The sweetest confection
Love is also lies and misdirection
The Bermuda triangle of emotions
Deluding ourselves with romantic notions

Bonds of trust break like glass
Such is luck. Just let it pass
Try again with someone new
But I will never come back to you
Who am I the card of the fool
Used and discarded like a Chinese tool
Willfully and visibly cruel
No sympathy from your tribunal

Quintessentially a Quintesson
More heartless than a Decepticon
Deceptions are on, if your mouth is moving
words come out? the truth is losing

The sleuth is cruising clues you’re producing
Seducing abusive lips are proving
Low quality of gaslight you’re using
No modesty I find it amusing

moves like Jagger but you’re a backstabber
Sense like Zoolander with relaxed manners
trash talk your mom but you’re the same
Bed hopping brash ya ain’t bomb you’re lame
I think I played myself again
Fooling myself thinking we can be friends
Julius Caesar, I feel aerated
Instead of respect I get berated

You won’t be back in my house at all,
I’d rather meet a grizzly during the fall
Because of you I now have standards
And I won’t put with the underhanded

Taken for granted disenchanted
DB Cooper, see where I’ve landed
I’d rather fall on a grand plateau
Than stand to be treated like I’m so damn low

So you can go, never come back
Don’t you dare darken my doormat
I’d rather be alone and take my chances
Doing El Chapo’s drug finances

"Romantic Apathy"
by coruscate

2024 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.