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Time Capsule (I'll Always Love You)

uploaded: Mon, Apr 15, 2024 @ 9:47 AM
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A love letter to my son.
It was very necessary right now.

You can listen to this song on Spotify and wherever else you stream music!


Hey kid. Daddy’s here.
hope this song finds you in a place of happiness.
I wanted to tell you that I love you and always will.
I wrote the song when the darkness had me.
Play it when the darkness has you.
Come on kid let’s pull through.
I’m sorry you were told daddy was not there
I’m sorry you were told daddy does not care
But I’ve always been there I never asked why I
sat in the hospital and heard your first cry
Seven days a week for the first year of your life
Til 17 when began all the strife
My parents were attacked I fought back
Did everything I could to put it back on track so
When this song finds you I hope that you understand
none of this drama was ever part of the plan
but neither were you, but understand me it’s true
From the depths of my heart son I love you
You are my priority, you always come first No matter
what lies you were told and they are the worst
Families are split because of lies that were spouted
Gravity of honesty will triumph undoubted
Sp when I’m gone play this song,
I’ll be right there rapping along
Even if I’ve left and turned to ash
My love for you will Everlast
A gift from on high, that’s what you are
Just call for dad I’m never far
You were told things that were untrue
Well guess what kid? I’ll always love you
So when times are tough because adults are rough
Remember that your best sometimes is enough
Remember that your voice echoes in your kid’s ear
So don’t fill their head with hate, angst and fear
Be supportive, praise and say good work
Happiness fill their days a smile is your perk
being a good father is a conscious choice
Listen to your child when they use their voice
You are their protector their sword and their shield
Be careful they’re fragile care how they feel
You only get one chance Don’t screw it up
Blink a few times and they’ve grown right up
don’t rule with ego, daddy doesn’t know best
Be humble we all my mistakes like the rest
Be forgiving, remember you were snall too
And never forget to say I love you
So when I’m gone play this song,
I’ll be right there rapping along
Even if I’ve left and turned to ash
My love for you will Everlast
A gift from on high, that’s what you are
Just call for dad I’m never far
You were told things that were untrue
Well guess what kid? I’ll always love you
So play this song, rain or shine
Your name beats in this heart of mine
The stars could fall into the sea
But my love goes into infinity
The world could end, time could stop
But my love for you comes out on top
I say these words they’re always true
Hey guess what kid? I’ll always love you

"Time Capsule (I'll Always Love You)"
by coruscate

2024 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (4.0)

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