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The Diddler (Puff Daddy Diss)

uploaded: Sun, Apr 7, 2024 @ 12:31 AM
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In case you missed the news, Sean Diddy Combs is not a nice person. The Feds raided his mansions and his victims are starting to come forward.

I will edit in the landing link for the streaming version of this song shortly, it’s already been sent to streaming services. The beat was produced by Legion Beats.

BandCamp is an instant upload for me, and you can listen to the track for free.



**sexual violence**
**crimes against children**

You just signed a record deal
With the bad boy label

Hey you there Just sign on the dotted line
It’ll all be fine totes divine just sign
Right there then we’ll go to the club
Just you and I and Baalzebub

Do you like parties? Do you like chicks?
Here’s a video Stevie sucking some dicks
How does that hit you? Want another glass?
You seem tired, here, sit on that cute ass.

Wake up inside a room you haven’t seen
With some girl that just turned seventeen
There’s no party like a Diddy party felonies
Gang rape innocenct? Hardly

This guy is a fruit loop A rapist in a zoot suit
Rapist in a white suit wearing a flight suit
Down the escape chute Fleeing all of the lawsuits Ah shoot 50 Cent gives him the boot


The Diddler, The Diddler the new R Kelly
The new Bill Cosby, Oh well oh well he
Is what he is he wielded unwieldy
Power over music demanded fealty

The Diddler, The Diddler this sick freak
Needs to get kicked hard into next week
No fuck that next year, nah let’s make it prison
Next to Suge Knight ah that would glisten

The Diddler, The Diddler, spiking the drinks
Making a lot of his guests double think
Falling asleep on couch, wake with a limp ouch
Belongs in a trash can Oscar this Grouch

The Diddler, The Diddler, keep him away from kids
Get on YouTube. Look at the Justin Bieber vids
Protect your sons and not just your daughters
They need spotters for these trouble waters


But let’s be honest you might need a glock
Rumor is this dude put the hit on Tupac
And he raped Cassie, what a douche canoe
Fuck him for the awful shit he put her through

Men and women no one is safe this guy
Epitomizes the idea of date rape
The music industry has always had crime
And slime but not with this much shine

All that glitters is not gold. Truth be told
This dude hocked his whole soul
Chock this whole fool in general population
Let other inmates fix this equation

Prison yard justice is hard as fuck
If he loses his case he’s out of luck
An organize ld strike carried out by knife
A Fitting end a Bad Boy For Life

A man in a freezer as cold as he’ll ever be
Wearing a toe tag underneath white sheets
How many victims haven fallen in his path
The fitting purpose of focus of God’s wrath

Doo Wah Diddy, Dumb Diddy Fool
Hit in the showers with a heavy tool
Diddy, Diddy, Diddy, can’t you see
You can burn for eternity

No Diddy

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"The Diddler (Puff Daddy Diss)"
by coruscate

2024 - Licensed under
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