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Spaced Invaders 2024

uploaded: Wed, Feb 21, 2024 @ 5:50 PM
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Super subtle changes to the lyrics for the sake of flow. Nothing anyone will notice without a side by side comparison with the 2011 release.

Greetings earthlings take me to your leader
we’re eager so let’s unload the people eater
we got test vials for test trial experiments
it’ll take a while so we brought five regiments
so Commander Zork bring us into port
and abuse this spork in human sports
we got mean viminas and particle beams
and vixens from Venus to represent our teams
We teleported in from unknown galaxies
attracted by broadcasts from the fifties
Sitcoms, cartoons and pornographic
images from National Geographic
we want our MTV then we’ll watch some QVC
stock up on Chinese toys made from toxic PVC
Had a great laugh with our boy Orson Welles
Took photos of ourselves riding carousels
— So stop on by area 51
— and catch us tanning up under the sun
— then at dusk it’s movie time
— avatar and district 9
—— My favorite martian well that was whack
—— Mork & Mindy gave us a heart attack
—— E.T. phoned home on collect
—— Independance Day gets no respect
please pardon our technical difficulties
while we outsource to Indian factories
applicable applicants can apply with ease
with accelerated colonoscopies
we built egyptian tombs inscribed with runes
to bury old geezers beneath the sand dunes
we love space operas and pet chupacabras
my man Peter Parker and Frank Sinatra
human pop culture is dyno-mite
we don bell bottoms and ultra bite
fluorescent tees with fanny packs
Disco never dies so we can’t relax
collect furbies and old comic books
and garbage pail kids for their funny looks
but the experience I say is the best
is that human meat tastes like chicken breast
— So stop on by area 51
— and catch us tanning up under the sun
— then at dusk it’s movie time
— avatar and district 9
—— My favorite martian well that was whack
—— but Mork & Mindy gave us a heart attack
—— E.T. phoned on collect
—— Independance Day gets no respect
ever since the days of V
lizard men run amongst the
grays and lemurian leaders of the earth
we’ve owned you since before your birth
we faked your paleontology
and LOL at scientology
frequently spotted by your skylights
that’s our teenagers taking joyrides at night
our libido quirky overzealous
because Captain Kirk makes us so jealous
Always borkie our green shorties
after exploratory sorties
from the rings of Saturn to pluto
anti-matter taciturn funk flow
like George Clinton ona Parliament high
then we disappear into the night sky

"Spaced Invaders 2024"
by coruscate

2024 - Licensed under
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Attribution (4.0)

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