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Male Vocal (x4) - Ghost Of Greed

uploaded: Sat, Feb 22, 2020 @ 11:49 PM last modified: Sun, Feb 23, 2020 @ 12:02 AM  (add)
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Four different inflections on these lyrics. Each voice has a few extra words.

“Suited Devil” a regular voice
“Snydley” the cartoon devil
“Sung Autotune” that exactly
“Daft Punk Style” that exactly
These are raw, and no attempt at a BPM was being made. There are gaps on some recording because I was waiting for a car to pass.

Snydley - repeated one line
Sung autotune - literally choked on the line cow manure in the water. You can hear it. Just edit it together.

Tow truck driving has been kicking my keester all week 😅

I am the ghost of greed, here to take your breath.
I have given you what you “need” now. I am your death
all the pretty plastic in the deep blue sea
has been broken into your food beautifully
manure in waters that use to be pure
everything is so convenient, what a lure
I am your reflection, I’m what you are
I am your shadow not very far
I stand behind you a pillar of want
Then I’ll stand burnt and taunt
And haunt until you are gaunt
Then nothing you shall flaunt
wasn’t it easy, wasn’t it nice
everything you touch burns like ice
so let me be honest let me be level
i am you but you’re also a devil

Denude the forest?
please proceed
frack the earth
please proceed
soil the rivers
please proceed
you’ve only one planet
please take heed

"Male Vocal (x4) - Ghost Of Greed"
by coruscate

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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