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Home » People » coruscate » "Just A Fun Rhyme For Saturday Night"

Just A Fun Rhyme For Saturday Night

uploaded: Sat, May 9, 2015 @ 11:52 PM last modified: Sun, May 10, 2015 @ 4:17 AM  (replace)
Recommends (1)
A fun mix around two simple verses. I composed the whole dang thing. Enjoy!

There is very mild variation between the written words below and the spoken words.
Hey just a fun rhyme for a saturday
Go on take your stress throw that away
Get it into your head it’s time to relax
so pull that stick right out of your ass

I’m taping this verse with apps on my phone
Using it as a tool part time xylophone
Meldodic melodies vocalizing vocoders
Mesmerizing audio aural corridors uh

open sesame stimulating your crebral
bass and treble music does make us equal
Evil Kanievel on these DAW recordings
Amazing displays of linguistic exploring

Getting sick tired of random rhyme trick shots
Then come take a listen of what I’ve got in stock
Like a purple robot my Waves do Schock
Come on amateurs come on and let’s rock

Coruscate recital my vocal revival
Overwhelming power that’s damn near tidal
My own best rival I strive to continue
No matter my age or my last review, ha!


Can’t hold a CC Community Artist in check

The Archive CC Mixter flipside
Musician ally ammunition landslide
Improve and share CC Mix review
Present for you and your audience too

We’re your audience too and comment for you
We’re just like you normal lives like you
Amature expert collaborations happen
Just as fast as a thunder clappin

Get in this action register and join
Remix, contribute tastes like sirloin
Fresh from the butcher to the barbie grill
So upload, upload that’ll be ill ha!

CC Plus licensing

Coruscate of the Incomplete Orchestra
Ha ha ha ha
Na na na can’t touch the CCmix with a ten foot pole and a missle launcher, a hadouken beem or a rabid marmaset got that yet?

"Just A Fun Rhyme For Saturday Night"
by coruscate

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.