The Tension An Animal Feels
uploaded: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 @ 3:04 AM
Adopt A Rabbit, Save A Life
OlympicRabbit.Org All intelligent animals that are kept as pets feel all forms of depression and anxiety when they are bounced from home to home by people that don’t really respect them or love them. This mix piece is about that tension. Debbizio’s playful guitar and StellarArtWars playful use of the Yamaha keyboard provided me with an accidental cacophany of emotions that painted the audio canvas with the nervousness, fear, stomach upset and frayed nerves that come with constant house moves. Thank both of your for your CC contribution.
media, remix, bpm_120_125, ccplus, attribution, audio, mp3, 48k, stereo, VBR, experimental, drums, guitar, rabbits
The Mixversation
"The Tension An Animal Feels"
by coruscate 2014 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Uses samples from: |