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Karma 88 BPM Ft.

uploaded: Sat, Feb 4, 2012 @ 8:15 PM last modified: Sat, Feb 4, 2012 @ 9:46 PM  (replace)
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I’ve been inspired to do this one for a year (inspired by the instrumental track to be honest) but haven’t sat down to finish it. Now I have.


Everlasting so beautiful
A goddess with a name so suitable
some say that karma is a bitch
got it backwards because it’s
reflections of their spirits
sad faced over her admonishment
over karma’s just punishment
crocodile’s lost lament
wishing for a mild judgement

you will not find
a goddess so
refined inside
this night sky

Dalia, Kali, Ananke,
Skuld, Urd, Belldandy,
Decima, Nona, Morta,
Fortuna, Mana-t, Nortia
Sudice, Mamitu, Carmentas
Aeternitas, Tyche, Sre’ca
sometimes alone or a trinity
many different powers of divinity
Over death, war and childbirth
Worshipped all over the whole earth
Part of many culture’s memes
Seen inside many man’s dreams

You will not find
a beauty so
divine inside
this night sky

The feel of her touch is incredible
It can be a blessing or terrible
She carries the scales and the sword
A scissor to cut life’s cord
She measures the thread of life
blesses those who walk right
Stern maiden of the pantheon
none taken from evil morons

you will not find
a smile so right
Pure untainted maiden
of the light

She sees you through the pale
She weighs your heart on a scale
She toils over fortunes to tell
She lives where the spinsters dwell
The maiden, the mother and the crone
Caregiver and judge, best atone
Karma means cause and effect
Incarnated justice dialect
Always in our human ears
Giving us post humous fears
We curse our enemies with her
Reverse, respecting I prefer

A goddess full
radiant cool
Not a hierodule
spares no fools

Karma has many visions
a day full of decisions
Santa claus has it easy
It’s Mr.s Claus who keeps busy
Humans are a Sisyfus task
So dirty underneath their masks
the red thread connects your fate
she is the one who tied it in place

You will not see
an enemy
inside this lady
so cease

if there’s a foul or scrimmage
face down your mirror image
Judged by the things that you do
it’s yourself that you screw
Open your eyes and you’ll see
you’ll master your own misery
Do not curse or defame
Lady justice’s name
Best do right the first time
Try to decide by what’s divine
It’s no alarm or melodrama
Don’t dis the charm of Karma

you will not find
a goddess so
refined inside
this night sky

This is Coruscate, with sounds from on the cut.

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"Karma 88 BPM Ft."
by coruscate

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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