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See The Wilderness (vocal)

uploaded: Thu, Dec 1, 2011 @ 7:40 AM
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I wrote these lyrics after watching a news item. I’d like to thank Timberman for his amazingly moving and compelling music; and thanks are due to Panu for his technical know-how and patience!

See The Wilderness
Officer down, shot by a child
A boy of fifteen who doesn’t really know a thing
See the wilderness at the back of his eyes
He fell under the wing of harder guys
He’ll be tried as a man, too young for the chair
Officer down and both of their lives
Stopped right there
Everyone’s out for Officer Dean’s passing by
A brave man remembered and there’s not a single dry eye
You can buy Mike Dean key rings, tee-shirts in every size
The whole occasion’s a gift to be televised
Tyler Brown’s on the news, caught and cuffed between two guards
Reports say a street’s to be renamed Mike Dean Boulevard
Officer down, shot by a child
A boy of fifteen who doesn’t really know a thing
Tyler Brown’s a hero to other lost boys
Who’ll ruin their futures on a dare
He’ll be tried as a man, too young for the chair
He’ll be tried as a man, he’s too young for the chair
Officer down and both of their lives
Stopped right there
Officer down and both of their lives

"See The Wilderness (vocal)"
by CiggiBurns

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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