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In Egypt With No Underwear (again)

uploaded: Fri, Sep 21, 2012 @ 4:05 PM
FeaturingOberon Skye
Recommends (4)
This piece was written in Cairo - using the Surrealist metod of composition - words/phrases/sentences are cut from a book,poem,article and dropped into hat - one by one withdrawn at random…

Oberon Skye joins me in singing it. There is another version of us recorded live within the Great Pyramid I intend to upload one day.

At the core of the map of love are the diaries and
When I embrace her,
Often disguised as a man,
Everything was quiet, was
Forgetful of my own self.
It is strange that this period
Sees as a more truthful image of Egypt,
The going in and out of her messengers
Favouring cross-cultural encounters.
If she speaks, then I am strong again
It is in this guise that she is
Demystifying the Copts.
My heart is not content with Egypt
My body has become heavy,
As she has come to me
Revive my heart.

"In Egypt With No Underwear (again)"
by CherryGollogoly

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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