Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Send Me Home

uploaded: Sun, Oct 16, 2011 @ 12:44 PM
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thanks Syenta for this link
I met a great instrumental track at this link by Jaunt ”dribs and drabs”.
The beginning as a ballad by piano and the strings go on.The strings remind me the ”Adagio in G Minor” by Albinoni.And the track goes a symphonic metal sound.
I cutted and re pasted.I did different organisation for improving.I cutted and pasted the ”snowflake” pella.She said that ”i’m a soldier” and ”send me home”
again and again and again and again.Maybe somebody hear her.
Once upon a time , i was a soldier.I lived the pain by death of some friends.I’ve lost some brothers.I’ve seen the bloods of my brothers.They didn’t come back to their home.
I want to see the end of this tragedy.I want to see all soldiers came back home.
This is only a song for soldiers who are missing their homes.
Unfortunately i can’t do more , maybe we can do.Can we do more?

"Send Me Home"
by CSoul

2011 - Licensed under
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