One Spiral Light (Spinning)
This is our submission for the Flying Time Mixter event. We had a lot of fun and material to work with, thanks to our assignment to Audiotechnica.
The whole idea for our track started when we heard this amazing ‘Portishead-stylish’ intro sound from Light. We cut a loop from it and it took not too much imagination where the track was heading for: A dark and slow beat driven track, somewhere between Hip Hop and Trip Hop - perfect for some serious head nodding… But without vocals we realized that it was a tad naked though. Fortunately we found these absolutely great vocal stems of “Spinning” by Kara Square. For us they match perfectly in sound, timbre and delivery; and the lyrics gives us the creeps - so true! We hope you like this amalgamation we have created here, we did some very meticulous production to honor the quality of all the ingredients. With luv from Hamburg 7OOP3D
June_2012, secret_mixter, remix, media, editorial_pick, bpm_075_080, downtempo, drums, electronic, female_vocals, piano, synthesizer, trip_hop, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Alex (AlexBeroza), reusenoise, Snowflake, SackJo22, texasradiofish, Platinum Butterfly (F_Fact), urmymuse, Kirkoid, Super_Sigil, J.Lang (djlang59), go1dfish, Kara Square (mindmapthat), AT (audiotechnica), Abstract Audio (Citizen_X0), duckett, TheDICE, Calling Sister Midnight (romancito), onlymeith, My Free Mickey (myfreemickey), ScOmBer, CSoul, Donnie Ozone (donnieozone), DJStupid, Nethis, Down With Ben (cuajitoben), AIR_LOMEG, djolliej, PattsiPeng, musikpirat, Mana Junkie, airtone, Hans Atom (hansatom), Quarkstar, mandthedband, IvoLimmen, Story of the Lie (storyofthelie) This upload might be Not Safe For Work Found in 8 playlists
"One Spiral Light (Spinning)"
by 7OOP3D 2012 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickTop notch dark trip-hop. Enjoy the superb blend of audiotechnica beats with Kara’s vocals presented to you by the boys from 7OOP3D Abstract Audio
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