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A note of explantion from the Producer of "Blue Hips, Loose Lips"

permalink   Wed, Jan 28, 2009 @ 4:28 PM
An open letter from the producer and writers of InteractiveStageshow’s playlist serial “Blue lips, Loose hips.

The developing serial play can be heard here.

We write this in response and explanation to listeners that have been following our serial play and are offended or confronted by the initial “schoolboyish” treatment of sexuality particularly the “naked girl” theme that pokes you in the eyes during the first few scenes.

Just quietly though, we are rather pleased that this response has been achieved. This was the goal at this point of the play.

The basic script and story board is complete and consists of approximately 18 scenes and their matching CC licensed tracks; some from Scomber’s pen others from the creative commons community..

We will not reveal much of the plot or particulars in this letter but to give you all an idea of the direction the play takes and its overall aim…

We hope those offended will listen further as the serial unfolds - there is a huge moral to this tale - and so far we have only posed and highlighted a few problems our society is currently suffering - and have clearly hit a raw nerve for some.

I’ll explain.

The “naked girls” approach is meant to be a parody on the rabid sexualisation of young women that is surging through the popular culture; and the false images they aspire to;
eg Unachievable body shapes, heroin sheik and the “laddette” culture that is building strength in the latest generation of young girls.

Yelling out “Show me your t_ts” 30-40 years ago would have got you arrested or at least a slap on the face.
Today, particularly where alcohol and gen z mix, the more likely result would be a large number of girls lifting their tops and doing exactly that - to a complete stranger.
Some would hold the pose until you got your camera out..and be chuffed by notoriety rather than embarrassed.

The first part of the play aims to highlight this culture. Many young girls today do not know what real feminism is; they think it is a license to act like an adolescent man.
The key theme is that the younger generation (girls 13-25 now) have found this new found status of freedom intoxicating; particularly when it comes to sex and drugs. They believe that in order to maintain it, they need to behave like testosterone charged young men - (who I may add have behaved like this for eternity)

I believe that this younger generation has mistaken feminism for a “no responsibility taken” version of homegeny between the sexes, in behaviour and lifestyle.

I don’t believe this is what the original feminist movement called for.
Sure the bra burning was a symbol, but they were definitely not seeking to turn women into men as a means of reaching equality.

In my opinion, the “movement” (if it still exists), has lost its way and forgotten about the basic truth about the sexes.
Men and women are different and are meant to be. We think differently and interact with others around us in entirely yet different complementary ways.

What is important though, and the early feminists understood this -
is that we should all be equal in opportunity, expression and personal choice.

Sex should not be a determining factor limiting career, or access to things that are dear to us all - the right to education, to vote, to make personal choices and be able to show them to the rest of the world without fear of persecution.

The character of “Anchor” is meant to be the “foil” in the the play;
an older gent, “drunk” on the fact that he has made it with such a young, famous, beautiful and fashionable iconic woman and included in her exclusive and hip circle..
Despite being completely out of his depth in her world of paparazzi, drugs and false personas, the character of Anchor is wise enough to recognise this and then take action; his doubts brought to an apex on the death of his girlfriend.

The complete story is one about the journey and realisation of what is whole and what is not.
That the pursuit of hollow and false gods can only lead to grief and despair.

The character of Anchor serves as the vehicle for this evolution.

I suspected that I’d get some hate mail early on by feminists that think I’m fashioning some sort of hairy chest beatup of feminist ideals and joining the sex drugs and rocknroll media militia and at the same time showing disrepect for traditional operatic/theatrical methods and ideals.

I was also certain that many feminists and other free thinkers, who did all the hard yards achieving some degree of equality would not understand the beginning of this play in isolation.

They do however understand what it is like to be denied the freedom of many life choices - whether politically, sexually or professionally.

I said before that I won’t reveal too much of the future plot in this message, just to say, that the end result is very moral and sound to feminist, religious and freethinking ideals.

The ending of the play is analogous to a few famous fairy tales - where Anchors girlfriend is brought back to life (cleansed & redeemed) with a kiss, after being tempted and then deadened by a poison apple society has offered her.
Anchor is also renewed in body and spirit.

Once again I’d like to apologise for any offense taken and I ask for a degree of trust in the listener as this play rolls out in serial format - the ultimate direction and theme of this work will not leave the same taste in your mouth.
